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FA Examples

On this page, we give some short examples with discussion for the finite automata classes and methods.

Reading basic input

The following code snippet creates a DFA and prints whether it accepts or rejects user input.

from automata.fa.dfa import DFA

# DFA which matches all binary strings ending in an odd number of '1's
my_dfa = DFA(
    states={'q0', 'q1', 'q2'},
    input_symbols={'0', '1'},
        'q0': {'0': 'q0', '1': 'q1'},
        'q1': {'0': 'q0', '1': 'q2'},
        'q2': {'0': 'q2', '1': 'q1'}

    while True:
        if my_dfa.accepts_input(input('Please enter your input: ')):
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Subset for NFAs

The NFA does not have a built-in method for checking whether it is a subset of another NFA. However, this can be done using existing methods.

# In the following, we have nfa1 and nfa2 and want to determine whether
# nfa1 is a subset of nfa2.

# If taking the union of nfa2 with nfa1 is equal to nfa2 again,
# nfa1 didn't accept any strings that nfa2 did not, so it is a subset.
if (nfa1 | nfa2) == nfa2:
    print('nfa1 is a subset of nfa2.')
    print('nfa1 is not a subset of nfa2.')

Edit distance automaton

The following example is inspired by this blog post. Essentially, we want to determine which strings in a given set are within the target edit distance to a reference string.

from automata.fa.dfa import DFA
from automata.fa.nfa import NFA
import string

input_symbols = set(string.ascii_lowercase)

# Construct DFA recognizing target words
target_words = {'these', 'are', 'target', 'words', 'them', 'those'}

target_words_dfa = DFA.from_finite_language(

# Next, construct NFA recognizing all strings
# within given edit distance of target word
reference_string = 'they'
edit_distance = 2

words_within_edit_distance_dfa = DFA.from_nfa(

# Take intersection and print results
found_words_dfa = target_words_dfa & words_within_edit_distance_dfa
found_words = list(found_words_dfa)

    f"All words within edit distance {edit_distance} of "
    f"'{reference_string}': {found_words}"

Making a transition table

The example below is adapted from the visual automata library. This function takes in a DFA or NFA and returns the corresponding transition table.

The start state is prefixed with and final states are prefixed with *.

import pandas as pd

def make_table(target_fa) -> pd.DataFrame:
    initial_state = target_fa.initial_state
    final_states = target_fa.final_states

    table = {}

    for from_state, to_state, symbol in target_fa.iter_transitions():
        # Prepare nice string for from_state
        if isinstance(from_state, frozenset):
            from_state_str = str(set(from_state))
            from_state_str = str(from_state)

        if from_state in final_states:
            from_state_str = "*" + from_state_str
        if from_state == initial_state:
            from_state_str = "→" + from_state_str

        # Prepare nice string for to_state
        if isinstance(to_state, frozenset):
            to_state_str = str(set(to_state))
            to_state_str = str(to_state)

        if to_state in final_states:
            to_state_str = "*" + to_state_str

        # Prepare nice symbol
        if symbol == "":
            symbol = "λ"

        from_state_dict = table.setdefault(from_state_str, dict())
        from_state_dict.setdefault(symbol, set()).add(to_state_str)

    # Reformat table for singleton sets
    for symbol_dict in table.values():
        for symbol in symbol_dict:
            if len(symbol_dict[symbol]) == 1:
                symbol_dict[symbol] = symbol_dict[symbol].pop()

    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table).fillna("∅").T
    return df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)