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Network Diffusion Preliminaries

Network diffusion models aim to capture the spread of trends through networks. At discrete time steps, new nodes are activated according to the parameters of the model. Here, we will introduce the Independent Cascade (IC) and Linear Threshold (LT) models, along with the corresponding primitives provided by CyNetDiff.

Model Context

We first discuss traits common to all network diffusion models. Given a (possibly directed) graph \(G=(V,E)\), the process starts with a set \(S \subseteq V\), called the seed set, being the initially active nodes. The model proceeds in discrete time steps, where nodes are activated according to rules set by the different models. The process runs until no further activation is possible.

In CyNetDiff, diffusion models are represented by a model class. In the following, suppose we have an instance of an existing diffusion model. To set the initially active nodes from a set seed_set, simply run:


To advance the diffusion process one time step, run:


This function has no effect if no activations are possible.

To run the diffusion model until completion (i.e., until no more activations are possible), run:


A generator for the newly activated nodes can be obtained by:

Note that at time step zero, this yields the same elements as seed_set.

A generator for all activated nodes (not just ones in the latest time step) can be obtained by:


Finally, to reset the model to it's initial state (only seed nodes are activated), run:


All network diffusion models are stochastic, in that the nodes activated depend on random variables as well as the model parameters. Thus, resetting and re-running the diffusion process is important for obtaining useful information from these models.

Independent Cascade Model

In the independent cascade model, when a node \(v \in V\) first becomes active, it will be given a single chance to activate each currently inactive neighbor \(u\). The activation succeeds with probability \(p_{v,u}\) (independent of the history thus far). If \(u\) has multiple newly activated neighbors, their attempts occur in an arbitrary order. If \(v\) succeeds, then \(u\) will become active; but whether or not \(v\) succeeds, it cannot make any further attempts to activate \(u\) in subsequent rounds.

CyNetDiff supports simulating the above process by the use of a model class. This class stores the state of the diffusion model, and can be manually advanced by repeated function calls. To start, if we have a NetworkX graph graph, we can create a corresponding model with the following:

from cynetdiff.utils import networkx_to_ic_model
model, _ = networkx_to_ic_model(graph)

By default, the activation probabilities are all set to a default of 0.1. There are a number of different commonly-used weighting schemes which can be set by CyNetDiff.

Weighting Schemes

In the IC model, the weighting scheme is how the probabilities \(p_{v,w}\) are chosen. There are three common weighting schemes handled by utility functions from CyNetDiff:

  • We can choose the weights \(p_{v,u} \in [0,1]\), uniformly at random. This can be set by calling the function set_activation_uniformly_random(graph).
  • We can choose the weights \(p_{v,u}\), uniformly at random from a set weight_set. This can be set by calling the function set_activation_random_sample(graph, weight_set).
  • We can choose the weights \(p_{v,u} = \frac{1}{|N^{in}(u)|}\) as the inverse of the in-degree of \(u\). This can be set by calling the function set_activation_weighted_cascade(graph). The input graph must be directed to use this weighting scheme.

To apply a given weighting scheme, we simply call the corresponding helper function from the utility module of CyNetDiff. For example, to use the well-known trivalency weighting scheme, simply call:

from cynetdiff.utils import set_activation_random_sample, networkx_to_ic_model
# Setting weights is done in-place.
set_activation_random_sample(small_world_graph, {0.1, 0.01, 0.001})
# Make sure to set the weights before creating the model.
model, _ = networkx_to_ic_model(small_world_graph)

Custom weights can be set under the "activation_prob" data key on each edge in the starting NetworkX graph.

Linear Threshold Model

In the linear threshold model, each directed edge \((v,u)\) is given an influence \(w_{v,u} \in [0,1]\) such that \(\sum_{v \in N^{in}(u)} w_{v,u} \leq 1\), so that the total incoming influence at every node is at most one. Each node \(u \in V\) is assigned an activation threshold \(\theta_u \in (0,1]\) uniformly at random. Let \(A_t\) denote the nodes active at time step \(t\). A node \(u\) becomes active at time step \(t + 1\) if $$ \sum_{v \in N^{in}(u) \cap A_t} w_{v,u} \geq \theta_u. $$ In words, this occurs if the influence of \(u\)'s active in-neighbors is at least \(\theta_u\).

To create a linear threshold model from an NetworkX graph graph, simply run:

from cynetdiff.utils import networkx_to_lt_model
model, _ = networkx_to_lt_model(graph)

By default, the graph is made directed if it is not, and influences are set to the inverse of the in-degree, i.e. \(w_{v,u} = \frac{1}{|N^{in}(u)|}\). Custom influence values can be set under the "influence" data key on each edge in the starting NetworkX graph.