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Influence Maximization

Motivation and Problem Definition

Suppose we are interested in computing the seed set which activates the most number of nodes in expectation. This problem is known as influence maximization. Given a graph \(G = (V,E)\) and a fixed budget \(k\), we wish to choose a seed set \(S \subseteq V\) such that \(|S| = k\) and the influence \(\sigma(S)\) on the graph is maximized.

Overview of CELF

A well-known algorithm for this problem is the CELF algorithm, which is an optimized version of the greedy algorithm. At a high level, this algorithm works by greedily adding nodes to the seed set which has the highest marginal gain. This is repeated until the budget is exhausted.

import typing as t
from cynetdiff.models import DiffusionModel
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
import heapq

def celf(
    model: DiffusionModel, n: int, k: int, num_trials: int = 1_000
) -> t.Tuple[t.Set[int], t.List[float]]:
    Input: graph object, number of seed nodes
    Output: optimal seed set, resulting spread, time for each iteration
    Code adapted from this blog post:

    # Run the CELF algorithm
    marg_gain = []

    print("Computing marginal gains.")
    # First, compute all marginal gains
    for node in trange(n):
                -model.compute_marginal_gains([node], [], num_trials),

    # Convert to heap

    max_mg, selected_node = heapq.heappop(marg_gain)
    seeds = [selected_node]
    spread = -max_mg
    spreads = [spread]

    print("Greedily selecting nodes.")
    # Greedily select remaining nodes
    for _ in trange(k - 1):
        while True:
            current_mg, current_node = heapq.heappop(marg_gain)
            new_mg_neg = -model.compute_marginal_gains(seeds, [current_node], num_trials)[1]

            if new_mg_neg <= current_mg:
                heapq.heappush(marg_gain, (new_mg_neg, current_node))

        spread += -new_mg_neg

    # Return the maximizing set S and the increasing spread values.
    return seeds, spreads

Running the Algorithm

To see this in action, we can create a model as before and run our algorithm. We'll be using the trivalency weighting scheme to set our activation probabilities:

import networkx as nx
from cynetdiff.utils import networkx_to_ic_model, set_activation_random_sample

n = 5_000
# Randomly generate the graph
ic_graph = nx.random_regular_graph(7, n).to_directed()
# Set activation probabilites
set_activation_random_sample(ic_graph, {0.1, 0.01, 0.001})
# Create corresponding model
celf_ic_model, _ = networkx_to_ic_model(ic_graph)

num_seeds = 20
# Get best seed set returned by the algorithm
celf_ic_seeds, ic_marg_gains = celf(celf_ic_model, n, num_seeds)

Trying Different Models

The celf function also works with the Linear Threshold diffusion model:

from cynetdiff.utils import networkx_to_lt_model

n = 5_00
# Randomly generate the graph
lt_graph = nx.random_regular_graph(7, n).to_directed()

# Set weighting scheme
celf_lt_model, _ = networkx_to_lt_model(lt_graph)

num_seeds = 20
# Get best seed set returned by the algorithm
celf_lt_seeds, lt_marg_gains = celf(celf_lt_model, n, num_seeds)